
It’s a nice restaurant. Round table, great atmosphere, everyone is having a good time. You order your favorite. Steak with a side of veggies. You’re having a great time, and before the entrée  is served, it happens. You get gas. It was the cuscus you had for appetizer. Oh man, how could you have let your guard down. 

Many of us experienced it, but no one wants to discuss it.  We will sooner talk about vomiting and diarrhea then get caught talking about gas. 

An average person passes gas 6-20 times daily. There are several reasons why we have it in the first place. The two most common are swallowing air and the second from digesting food. 

While gas is a normal byproduct of everyday life, it can be a dreadful situation in social settings. People sometimes avoid certain foods for fear of having gas and being unable to void it.  

There are several products on the market, such as Beano, Gas-X, and others, however in my practice I find that there is one product that has multiple purposes and little recognition as a viable option. 

Probiotics have a very good success rate for fixing the gas issue. They replenish the good bacteria in the intestines, which in turn help digest foods properly. Even gas causing foods are better tolerated. 

Next time you’re in the pharmacy ask a pharmacist for a quality probiotic. A probiotic like Frorajen is good and inexpensive. Probiotics, are something we’ve been recommending for years.  They really help a lot of people. 

Take care of your body and your body will take care of you. Enjoy your dinner. Bon Appetite. 

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